Digital Equity in Education

Digital Equity in Education | The Quest | The Players | The Tools | The Resources | The Next Level

Can digital tools help minoritized students get into college — and succeed in their higher education pursuits?

Digital equity means ensuring students have equal access to technology — as well as the training necessary to navigate digital tools. Since 2009, the Digital Equity in Education team at USC’s Pullias Center of Higher Education has been developing and researching digital games and tools to engage students in learning about college, and studying the real-life impact these tools have on students’ lives.

Now, nearly a decade into this project, we’ve learned quite a bit about digital tools and college access — and are excited to share the results with fellow researchers, educators, practitioners, students, and other who care about digital equity in education.



Find out more about our work:

>> The Quest. Follow the story of our project, from its humble beginnings to our current initiatives.

>> The Players. Meet the researchers, partners, and friends behind the digital equity project.

>> The Tools. Play our fun games and try out the tech tools for yourself — or just watch the previews.

>> The Resources. Read our reports and studies for the details on our research process and methodologies.

>> The Next Level. Get the latest news about our events, current research, and media coverage.

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