Federick Ngo

Assistant Professor of Higher Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

PhD, Urban Education Policy, University of Southern California



Federick Ngo is an assistant professor of higher education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He also collaborates with Tatiana Melguizo at the USC Pullias Center for Higher Education on research projects examining student opportunity and outcomes in community colleges, including an NSF-funded project examining assessment and placement policies in developmental math.

Ngo’s primary research is on higher education policy, inequality, and the economics of education, with a focus on college access and community college students. This includes an ongoing project funded by the National Science Foundation examining assessment and placement policies in developmental math.

Ngo has published original research articles in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Teachers College Record, Research in Higher Education, The Review of Higher Education, and Community College Review. He also received a dissertation grant from the American Educational Research Association in support of his research.

Ngo completed his doctorate at the University of Southern California and received the USC PhD Achievement Award, the highest honor given to USC PhD graduates. He was formerly a high school math teacher in Oakland, Calif.

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