Suneal Kolluri

Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California Riverside Graduate School of Education

PhD, Urban Education Policy, University of Southern California

Research Interests

School stratifications and academic tracking | College readiness and persistence for marginalized youth | Urban high schools | Teaching for civic engagement | Culturally relevant pedagogy



Curriculum Vitae
Rossier PhD Profile

Suneal Kolluri was a research assistant at the Pullias Center for Higher Education and a Rossier Dean’s Fellow in the Urban Education Policy PhD program at USC Rossier School of Education.

Kolluri was advised by William G. Tierney and Zoë B. Corwin. He earned his bachelor’s degree from University of California, Los Angeles, and his master’s from Stanford University. His research interests include college access and persistence for low-income youth and underrepresented youth of color, specifically how K-12 schools can promote equitable interactions between diverse students and affect 4-year college-going outcomes for marginalized populations.

Prior to attending USC, he was a high school social studies teacher for ten years — nine in Oakland public schools, and one as a student teacher in San Francisco Unified School District as a student teacher in the Stanford Teacher Education Program. He has received a number of accolades for exemplary teaching.

Dissertation committee
William G. Tierney (chair), Julie Posselt, Pedro Noguera (UCLA), Kayla de la Haye

Dissertation title
Boys Don’t Try?: Black and Latino Males and Rigorous Learning Opportunities in High School

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