Adrianna Kezar in Inside Higher Ed: How to talk to non-tenure-track faculty
A recent guest blog post by Paula Patch in Inside Higher Ed featured research on non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty by Pullias co-director Adrianna Kezar. Patch writes:
First, we have to let NTT faculty tell their own stories in their own words. Sounds easy, but research by Adrianna Kezar and others shows that most studies of NTT faculty are not conducted by NTT faculty themselves. Nor do many of these studies collect information directly from NTT faculty. Many studies, in fact, collect information from people who superviseor work with NTT faculty. In other words, rarely in the research or other published conversations about NTT faculty do those faculty speak of their own experiences in their own words and from their unique perspective.
Read the full post at Inside Higher Ed. Pullias co-director Adrianna Kezar is the lead researcher for the Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success, a project of the Pullias Center that provides tools and resources to help create new faculty models and better support faculty off the tenure track to enhance higher education institutions.