Successful C-CIDE Program Expands Nationally: Now the Equity in Graduation Education Consortium

In 2018, USC Associate Professor Julie Posselt saw a pressing need for a scalable, sustainable system for faculty to learn about basic issues of inequality and justice in graduate education. Posselt believed this type of system was necessary for advancing racial equity and diversity, and could serve as a catalyst for systemic and cultural change in doctoral education. Soon, the California […]

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C-CIDE Model Goes International with UK Adoption

One focus of the successful California Consortium for Inclusive Doctoral Education (C-CIDE) pilot has been equipping faculty with resources to manage political, motivational, and time costs associated with changing admissions. The project organizes change-ready faculty into a community of practice; provides research, training, and tools in equity-minded holistic review; and facilitates structured discussions that can be delicate for departments to […]

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