Professional Development for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at Boise State University

Professional Development for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at Boise State University

Professional Development, 2021

KC Culver and Adrianna Kezar

Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)

This case study is focuses on Boise State's work to support adjuncts and begins with an overview of various initiatives in the CTL that are designed to be more accessible to and inclusive of adjuncts, including an adjunct-specific faculty learning community. It then describes professional development offered by the First-Year Writing program and the School of Social Work due to the high percentage of adjunct faculty who teach in these programs. In addition, the brief also describes how those leading these efforts in the CTL and in Social Work are assessing the needs of adjuncts in order to inform the opportunities they offer.

Categories: Delphi Project Case Studies

  delphi project     non-tenure-track faculty  
Boise Professional Development_072921.pdfDownload