Professional Development for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at California State University, San Bernardino

Professional Development for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at California State University, San Bernardino

Professional Development, 2021

KC Culver, Adrianna Kezar, and Jennifer Yeh

Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)

The California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) Faculty Center for Excellence (FEC) provides professional development for faculty, including support for research, teaching, community engagement, and career success. Instructional development is offered through the Teaching Resource Center (TRC), which is led by a faculty member. The faculty member who served as TRC director from 2018–2020 made increasing participation of NTTF a priority. The initiatives at CSUSB represent an amalgamation of approaches to instructional development, with some initiatives developed at the system level, some developed at the campus level, and some through partnerships with outside organizations.

Categories: Delphi Project Case Studies

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