Experience the Pullias Lecture: Video, photos, and Twitter moments

Experience the Pullias Lecture: Video, photos, and Twitter moments

Sarita E. Brown, founding president of Excelencia in Education, gave the keynote at the 40th Pullias Lecture at USC on March 27, 2018. In her keynote, titled “Pursuing Equity in Higher Education Using a Latino Lens,” Brown said we need faculty and leaders who believe “in the capacity of the higher education section to be a gateway for equity in this country.”

Missed the inspiring lecture? Experience it through the videos, photos, and twitter moments below.



Sarita E Brown at the 40th Pullias Lecture at USC
The 40th Pullias Lecture with Sarita E Brown at USC’s Town and Gown
From left to right: USC Rossier Dean Karen Symms Gallagher, Excelencia in Education founding president Sarita E. Brown, Pullias co-directors Adrianna Kezar and William Tierney, Pullias faculty Julie Posselt