Julie Posselt in Nature: Astronomy society pushes for diversity in US PhD programs

Julie Posselt in Nature: Astronomy society pushes for diversity in US PhD programs

Pullias faculty member Julie Posselt was quoted in Nature about the American Astronomical Society’s push to recruit and retain more students from under-represented groups in PhD programs.

The society, which represents 8,000 astronomers across 57 nations, offers recommendations in the final report of a task force on diversity and inclusion in astronomy graduate education….

The proposals … include input from experts in STEM graduate education. “AAS was committed to providing the strongest research-based set of recommendations to their members, which meant tapping the social scientists with the best current knowledge,” says Julie Posselt, an educational sociologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and the senior adviser on the report.

Read the full article at Nature. Posselt is currently at work on a new book on academia to be published by Stanford University Press.