Julie Posselt’s Cal-Bridge project featured in Diverse Issues in Higher Education

Julie Posselt’s Cal-Bridge project featured in Diverse Issues in Higher Education

The Cal-Bridge program, a National Science Foundation-project on which Pullias faculty member Julie Posselt serves as co-principal investigator, was featured in Diverse Issues in Higher Education:

M. Katy Rodriguez Wimberly is well into her Ph.D. program in physics at the University of California Irvine, and she gives credit to participation in a bridge program that helps underrepresented minority students earn doctoral degrees in physics and astronomy.

Since 2013, Cal-Bridge has addressed the underrepresentation of women and minorities in those science fields. Although Black, Hispanic and Native Americans are about 30 percent of the U.S. population, they hold less than 4 percent of astronomy and physics Ph.D. degrees and constitute less than 3 percent of astronomy and physics faculty members nationwide.

Read the full article at Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Posselt is currently at work on a new book on academia to be published by Stanford University Press.