Applications open for 2019 Delphi Award

Two awards of $15,000 each recognize noteworthy efforts to support non-tenure-track faculty. The Pullias Center for Higher Education at the USC Rossier School of Education today opened applications for the 2019 Delphi Award. The $15,000 cash award is given annually to two individuals or groups who have worked to support adjunct, contingent and non-tenure-track faculty in promoting student success. “Although non-tenure-track faculty […]

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Delphi Award winners share best practices to support non-tenure-track faculty

Harper College and California State University, Dominguez Hills detail the paths they took to improve working conditions and professional development for adjunct faculty on their campuses. Better opportunities for professional development. Equitable compensation. An inclusive campus culture. These are among the much-needed changes non-tenure-track faculty have called for on many college and university campuses. To help these institutions forge their paths […]

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How student affairs departments can support non-tenure-track faculty

A new guide by Daniel Scott and Adrianna Kezar details ways student affairs departments and non-tenure-track faculty can collaborate. Student affairs departments and faculty share an important goal: to support the success and engagement of their students. Yet while these two groups rely on each other for resources, skills and expertise, collaboration between them has become more challenging in the […]

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Adrianna Kezar in Inside Higher Ed: Toward better assessments in online courses

In a Q&A about strategies for better assessment of online courses in Inside Higher Ed, Pullias co-director Adrianna Kezar was quoted about faculty development for adjunct instructors: As Adrianna Kezar has written, faculty development can go a long way to eliminating the worst aspects of the growing adjunct situation, but it cannot resolve the long-term structural issues, and this needs to be […]

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Adrianna Kezar in the Faculty Guild Blog: A Culture that values professional development

This blog post by Pullias co-director Adrianna Kezar  was originally published in the Faculty Guild’s blog on Nov. 28, 2018. Given that the mission of most colleges and universities is teaching and learning, one would assume a primary part of their culture would be professional development around teaching. But, teaching expertise has evolved to mean expertise in content – leaving pedagogy largely […]

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Improving and Dedicating Supports for Part-time Faculty at Central Piedmont Community College

Applicant for the Delphi Award, 2018 Jennifer Yeh, Jordan Harper Pullias Center for Higher Education (2019) In an effort to bolster support for part-time faculty, the division director for Central Piedmont Community College’s largest curriculum department connected and collaborated with full-time faculty members. A research-based program proposal was subsequently submitted highlighting five no-to-low cost support priorities to better the experiences […]

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Pullias Center names winners of $15k Delphi Award

Harper College and CSU Dominguez Hills selected for innovative approaches to support adjunct  faculty in promoting student success The Pullias Center for Higher Education at the USC Rossier School of Education today announced two winners of the Delphi Award. Harper College and California State University, Dominguez Hills will each receive $15,000 cash awards to continue their work to support adjunct, contingent and [...]
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Adrianna Kezar in Inside Higher Ed: A Non-Tenure-Track Profession?

Pullias co-director Adrianna Kezar was quoted in Inside Higher Ed about the growing numbers of non-tenure-track faculty at colleges and universities: Some 73 percent of all faculty positions are off the tenure track, according to a new analysis of federal databy the American Association of University Professors. “For the most part, these are insecure, unsupported positions with little job security and few protections for academic […]

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How to give non-tenure-track faculty the support they need

Two new studies address the challenges faced by growing numbers of contingent faculty. They go by many titles. Adjunct professor, postdoctoral fellow, assistant lecturer, part-time instructor, researcher — The list goes on. All these titles make it difficult to gather comprehensive data about faculty, which in turn makes it difficult to see, let alone address, the challenges many of these […]

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Adrianna Kezar: An Award to to Inspire and Support Reform of Contingent Faculty Working Conditions

An Award to Propel Action: The Delphi Project Offers a $15K Incentive to Inspire and Support Reform of Contingent Faculty Working Conditions Pullias Center co-director Adrianna Kezar was interviewed about the Delphi Project for Changing Faculty and Student Success and the project’s recently announced $15,000 Delphi Award. The Q&A was published in Majority Rule, the official blog of the New Faculty Majority, […]

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