From Mattering to Mobilizing: On the evolution of our skate study research

By Zoë Corwin A year ago, I wrote about a new participatory action research study (PAR) we had just launched through the Pullias Center called Mattering in the Margins: Skateboarders’ Stories of Mental Health Challenges and Opportunities. The study expanded on findings from a prior national study intended to better understand the experiences of youth who skateboard called Beyond the […]

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Pullias Doctoral Grads Ready to Make Their Mark

This May, five Pullias Center doctoral candidates will graduate from the USC Rossier School of Education. We would like to offer our sincerest congratulations to Steve Desir, Jude Paul Matias Dizon, Theresa E. Hernandez, Aireale J. Rodgers and Deborah E. Southern as they continue their professional careers. Now, with doctoral degrees in hand, these new grads reflected on their time […]

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