Pullias Center partners with LACCD and researchers from Harvard’s CEPR to study Covid-19 recovery

The three-year study, funded by a $2.9 million grant from the Institute of Education Sciences, will examine how technology can remake the student experience. The Covid-19 pandemic affected why students choose to enroll in the Los Angeles Community College District, how they attend classes, and what they go on to do.  Now, the Pullias Center is partnering with LACCD and researchers […]

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AB705 Implementation in the Los Angeles Community College District: Results from a District-Wide Survey

Tatiana Melguizo, Federick Ngo, Cheryl Ching, Elif Yücel, Elise Swanson, Deborah L. Harrington Pullias Center for Higher Education (2022) The Pullias Center for Higher Education, as part of the USC-LACCD Research-Practice Partnership (RPP), is conducting a mixed-methods evaluation of Assembly Bill 705 (AB705) focused on how community college practitioners are implementing this landmark policy, which directs all 116 community colleges […]

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