Challenges, Risks, and Rewards

Dr. Huerta’s research team at the Pullias Center reflects on mixing a graduate education with research  Authors:  Maria Romero-Morales, Edgar Lopez, Julie Nguyen, Maritza Salazar, Kyrie Sanchinelli-Salazar, Haille Thomas, and Rosalva Isidoro Feeling uncomfortable is the key to improving creativity and learning, academic and professional growth, and, especially, finding success in graduate school and beyond. In general, master’s and doctoral […]

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Dr. Jennifer Keup: Reframing Transition as the Path to Hope and Healing

Jennifer R. Keup, Executive Director of The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, shares her perspective on this tumultuous year. When I was asked to serve as the guest editor of the December issue of the Pullias Center’s newsletter and write a story for the website, I braced myself for a daunting task. How does […]

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Dr. Kaiwipunikauikawēkiu Lipe: Higher Ed for What?

“Mommy, do I have to go to college?” While the question itself stopped me in my tracks, what surprised me even more was how much I hesitated before answering my 9-year-old daughter. On the one hand, it should have been an easy “yes.” For starters, we are a family steeped in higher education. Both of my parents, who were first […]

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