Rigorous Math Classes in High School Lead Students to More College Math and STEM Courses

Pullias Center’s Tatiana Melguizo partnered with UCLA’s LAERI on a new report High school students interested in benefitting from the earning gains of pursuing a STEM career should have access to rigorous calculus classes in 12th grade, according to a new report by the Los Angeles Education Research Institute at UCLA (LAERI). In the second and final report in the […]

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LAERI Research Report: 12th Grade Math and College Success

Leonard Wainstein, Carrie E. Miller, Meredith Phillips, Kyo Yamashiro, Tatiana Melguizo UCLA Los Angeles Education Research Institute (2023) In a new report, Twelfth Grade Math and College Success, LAERI-affiliated researchers build on their work in Twelfth Grade Math and College Access and examine the impact of taking a math course in twelfth grade on L.A. Unified students’ science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) course taking […]

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New Report Examines Impact of Basic Needs Assistance to Community College Students

USC’s Pullias Center and Sol Price Center for Social Innovation report provides timely evidence that additional funds help students achieve academic goals A new report from USC’s Pullias Center for Higher Education and the Sol Price Center for Social Innovation suggests that when high-need community college students are provided with additional financial aid, they have stronger academic outcomes than their […]

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What Do Logics Have To Do With It?

By Cheryl Ching, University of Massachusetts, Boston For some time now, researchers — including those on our team — have shown that developmental education (DE) courses are generally ineffective, inefficient, and inequitable, especially for Black and brown students. To the authors and advocates of California Assembly Bill 705 (AB705), this research was convincing; they cited it to motivate the policy [...]
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Taking 12th Grade Math Opens Doors to Higher Education, Research Finds

Students who take math in the 12th grade improve their chances of enrolling and continuing in higher education, according to a new report by the Los Angeles Education Research Institute at UCLA. In partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District, the institute’s researchers followed the educational journeys of nearly 27,000 students beginning in the 11th grade. Those who took […]

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Tatiana Melguizo and Pullias Center to Study Community College STEM Opportunities with NSF Grant

Non-STEM and STEM math tracks to be studied at LACCD’s Pierce College with a goal of advancing opportunity and equity in STEM participation at community colleges. As community colleges around the country move toward eliminating developmental education, students are increasingly eligible to take a college-level Statistics/Liberal Arts Math (SLAM) OR Business and Science Technology, Engineering and Math (BSTEM) course. This […]

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Pullias Center partners with LACCD and researchers from Harvard’s CEPR to study Covid-19 recovery

The three-year study, funded by a $2.9 million grant from the Institute of Education Sciences, will examine how technology can remake the student experience. The Covid-19 pandemic affected why students choose to enroll in the Los Angeles Community College District, how they attend classes, and what they go on to do.  Now, the Pullias Center is partnering with LACCD and researchers […]

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Pullias Center Invitational Conference Highlights Key Successes and Challenges of AB705 Implementation in LACCD

By Sheryl MacPhee The 3rd annual USC/LACCD Research-Practice Partnership Conference on AB705 brought together more than 50 researchers, faculty, staff, and administrators. Taking place in December 2021, the purpose of this year’s conference was to engage practitioners in a discussion of key findings from the implementation of AB 705 in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). More than 50 […]

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USC’s Pullias Center, Price Center for Social Innovation to Collaborate on Project Evaluating Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Community College Students

The University of Southern California’s Pullias Center for Higher Education at the Rossier School of Education, in collaboration with Price Center for Social Innovation, has begun work on a project with Los Angeles Southwest College, part of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD).  The 18-month research evaluation will focus on a pilot program being conducted by the Leonetti/O’Connell Family […]

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AB705 Study and New Report Examines Implementation Progress to Date in Los Angeles Community College District

By Tatiana Melguizo The California Community Colleges (CCC) constitute the key entry point to college for the large majority of Black, Latina/o/x, and Indigenous populations as well as low-income students. As such, it is critical that they provide high-quality instruction along with a robust set of academic and wrap-around supports necessary for the students to fulfill their educational potential and […]

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