Adrianna Kezar in the Faculty Guild Blog: A Culture that values professional development

Adrianna Kezar in the Faculty Guild Blog: A Culture that values professional development

This blog post by Pullias co-director Adrianna Kezar  was originally published in the Faculty Guild’s blog on Nov. 28, 2018.

Given that the mission of most colleges and universities is teaching and learning, one would assume a primary part of their culture would be professional development around teaching. But, teaching expertise has evolved to mean expertise in content – leaving pedagogy largely overlooked. Unless campus leaders and faculty developers recognize that the history of our campuses has backed a culture that is not conducive to pedagogical development, then the endeavor can feel like ramming up against a brick wall.

Thus, changing this culture requires a few key steps: 1) Articulating the existing culture; 2) Challenging the existing culture; and 3) Helping people see they are not losing by moving to a new culture.

Read the rest of this post in the Faculty Guild’s blog. Kezar is the principal investigator of the Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success.