Suneal Kolluri in Education Week: Students Need an AP Ethnic Studies Course

Suneal Kolluri in Education Week: Students Need an AP Ethnic Studies Course

This op-ed, authored by Pullias Center research assistant Suneal Kolluri, was originally published in Education Week on August 23, 2018.

Access to rigorous, Advanced Placement coursework has expanded significantly over the past decade, but not without serious gripes from some parents, teachers, and media commentators.

A popular argument against offering more students the opportunity to take to Advanced Placement courses is that many are not sufficiently motivated to succeed in them. AP classes are challenging, this argument goes, and if underprepared or unmotivated students try to take them, they will fail or the College Board will have to “dumb down” the curriculum at the expense of their more advanced peers.

Read the rest of this op-ed in Education Week.


Suneal Kolluri is a research assistant at the Pullias Center for Higher Education and a Rossier Dean’s Fellow in the Urban Education Policy PhD program at USC Rossier School of Education.